Ailt PPT to DOC Converter offers to transform your PowerPoint presentations into Word 97-2003 editable documents without losing the original layout. This includes text, tables, images, and whatever other elements may appear in the original PPT slides. The resulting DOC file can be opened using nearly any version of Microsoft Word for further editing.
The app allows you to create a conversion list with as many PowerPoint presentations as you wish to transform into a DOC file. You can customize the output by applying a number of settings, and all of these changes will be applied to all the presentations on the list. Thus, you can define the page size and the margins of the Word files, as well as choose among the three conversion modes available. These include a plain-text mode and an image mode. The former will extract the text present in each slide while the latter will also include all images used to produce the presentation.
Finding out if the program is capable of producing the promised results or not will cost you 45.95 USD, as the trial version is completely unfunctional in that sense, incapable of offering the potential buyer but a couple of converted pages to prove that – at least – it does work. If we take into account that all the functionality that the app offers is converting a set of PPT files into DOC, the oldest of all surviving MS Word formats, I find this price to be much higher than expected. For much less you can opt for multi-format conversion tools with functioning trials.